Pacific Storm Amelia May Be Pending For Monday And Tuesday; Video Included



Current water vapor satellite images show the center of a cutoff low just west of Santa Barbara County and because it is moving due south … it will draw in moisture on Monday and Tuesday for widespread shower and thunderstorm activity in Southern California.  Because this has a cold core and is coming from the Pacific … It may retain the first name on our list … Amelia …

The decision for Amelia will be made on Saturday or Sunday as the cutoff system continues to be monitored.  The current flow suggests it will hit the Martin Storm Diamond on Monday and Tuesday … out of here by Wednesday.  The Martin Storm Diamond is a geographic location southwest of Southern California that produces widespread shower and thunderstorm activity to our region …  This system looks like a Martin Storm Diamond system.

Models are show an incredible increase in moisture in all levels so this will likely not be a fire danger .. and could produce some heavy rainfall in some spots.

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The Fire Weather Warning issued here at SCWF is for Sunday.  Offshore flow combined with higher temperatures and low humidity will bring an elevated fire risk to all Southern California Mountains on Sunday … and this will lessen below warning limits by Monday.  Temperatures in the valley zones will be from 100-106F … especially the Santa Clarita Valley … rest of the mountain areas will be above 80F.

Given some of the elevated instability parameters … thunderstorms will not be too hard to come by and this will remain to be monitored so once again the monitoring is now beginning of a cutoff low that has the dynamics to hit the forecast area on Monday and Tuesday and it could end up being the first named system of the 2016-2017 Pacific Storm Season .. Amelia … Stay tuned to[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_facebook type=”button_count”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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