WARNING: Inland Heatwave To Turn Deadly This Week


A heatwave is starting across the Inland Southern California areas and it isn’t anywhere near the peak.  As expected and predicted in previous articles, the worst of it comes by the middle of the week so read on for details, including Bakersfield at 117F and Brawley at 124-125F

A ridge of high pressure is building into the region on this Father’s Day Weekend.  On Sunday, my keetys I agreed to take into my home after seeing them rescued out of a box at 7-10 days old will be turning a year old.  The two twin keetys will be having a birthday party with hats and salmon cake.  But the heat won’t stop us from having fun.

However, some of your activities will be stopped through this week.  I urge you NOT to go for a hike in the middle of the day… or even in the morning in some areas.  If you do then you need to bring a lot of water and saltine crackers because just drinking water can kill you in what is called water poisoning.  You need the saltine crackers at the same time to replenish the salt lost from too much water dilution.

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A side note is that NOAA is delusional or incompetent to put heat advisories all the way to LAX/Santa Monica or any coast for that matter as it will be comfortable with no need for any heat related products in those areas except for inland forecast zones.

It takes a certain ridge placement for Death Valley to be introduced into record attempting temperatures. This placement is not that … even showing so because the LA Basin is not in dangerous heat.

This ridge maximizes on Tuesday through Wednesday of this week … so hit the beaches and pools.  The following list of select cities are temperatures that will go from Sunday to Thursday of this week, in a row so the first number is Sunday and the last number is Thursday, with the days counted in-between.

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Riverside – 99 – 102 – 105 – 110 – 105
Downtown LA – 88 – 87 – 87 – 89 – 89
Fullerton –  90 – 93 – 93 – 98 – 92
SFV/SCV – 99 – 100 – 104 – 106 – 103
Irvine – 81 – 84 – 80 – 85 – 81
Ramona – 92 – 95 – 96 – 99 – 93
Bakersfield – 111 – 115 – 116 – 117 – 117
Paso Robles – 101 – 104 – 105 – 108 – 106
Lancaster – 104 – 107 – 108 – 109 – 105
Apple Valley – 104 – 107 – 110 – 109 – 109
29 Palms – 107 – 111  – 113 – 113 – 113
Indio – 113 – 118 – 120 – 120 – 115
Brawley – 116 – 121 – 124 – 123 – 119
Blythe – 116 – 120 – 123 – 123 – 121
Las Vegas – 109 – 112 – 117 – 116 – 115

This type of heat is dangerous so you will need to prepare now …

  • Drink plenty of water; even if you do not feel thirsty. Avoid drinks with caffeine. Persons who have epilepsy or heart, kidney, or liver disease; are on fluid-restricted diets; or have a problem with fluid retention should consult a doctor before increasing liquid intake.
  • Never leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles.
  • Check on family, friends, and neighbors who do not have air conditioning and who spend much of their time alone.
  • Check on your animals frequently to ensure that they are not suffering from the heat.
  • Go to a designated public shelter if your home loses power during periods of extreme heat. Stay on the lowest floor out of the sunshine if air conditioning is not available.

The heat will last for a prolonged period of time … Consider this a high heat warning …


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