Short Term Forecast



[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Issued Zones:  San Diego County excluding Deserts … Kern County … San Luis Obispo County … Western Santa Barbara County (Vandenberg) … San Gabriel Valley .. .Inland Orange County … The Inland Empire … The Rim areas … Riverside Mountains …

Site:  Southern California Weather Force has issued a Short Term Forecast effective tonight through Friday for showers …

Date:  10/19/17 at 8:30am PT

Forecast: An impulse will move through the area overnight tonight and into Friday, bringing an upswing in shower activity in the short term forecast zones.  This type of west to east flow would bring more accumulations on the south and west facing slopes of the mountain/foothill and adjacent valley areas than areas far from them. 

I did shade the Inland Empire in it, however there is a chance that this would be for areas north of Norco/Corona and east to Hemet with the higher accumulations.   Rainfall also will accumulate on the north and west slopes of the Kern County Mountains, including the Gorman Pass.

Premium Members:  Click Here For The Zoom In Maps Of The Rainfall Prediction in your member section.

10 mile rule:  These alerts issued on this site means that within your zone and 10 miles from you will see the event forecast for.  You may or may not see the event but it means you are in the zone or 10 miles from where someone will.

Forecaster: KM[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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