Jet Stream Pattern To Bring Multi-Day Flooding Rain Events To The Northern half of California Starting End Week and Going Into Next Week


Most storms this season have largely missed the San Francisco and Sacramento areas, however starting end week and then another early next week we will see the jet stream finally bring the rainfall in, which will cause flooding so read on for details.

A brief break between the system that hit Central and Southern California over the weekend and then we have the upper level jet stream produce a longwave trough to the west of Northern California.  This will position in a way that storm systems caught into it will impact the region, this first expected later this week, the worst of it Sunday into early next week.

The systems do have a tropical connection in a ‘mini’ Pineapple Express so we will see flooding with them.  Strong winds in the low levels will also work with the rain and bring trees and power-lines down so think about those generators if you have them and to be prepared ahead of time.  Systems like this are extremely good for the Sierra Nevada as well.  The Sierra Nevada will get a lot of needed snow with these multi-systems.   There is no ridging afterwards either, I am seeing fronts to continue into the week so the pattern is there to stay for a goof 7-10 days across Northern California.

I’ll be updating as the events near and when the flood watches / risk models are ready then the updates will come.

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