Preliminary Rainfall Forecast for Southern California: Category Four Pacific Storm Assigned


Southern California Weather Force has assigned the category number from the SCWF Pacific Storm Category System from a category one to six, six being the highest.  This system has been officially assigned a Category Four, between Wednesday and Friday of this week.

Southern California Weather Force projections dated back to November 28th (Reference A Link Below) with this strong storm pattern.  It will start at the end of the December 13-20 window, but it was within the scientific rights.

Now the forecast is not too tricky.  I would call this cutoff low a no brainer type system in 100% saying this will cause heavy rain, flooding, and even thunderstorms to the forecast region.

Intermittent off and on showers will be possible across the forecast area Monday into Tuesday.  This is out ahead of the heavier storm activity.

Heavier storm activity will hit north and west of Los Angeles County by Wednesday.  Los Angeles south and eastward in areas like Los Angeles proper, Orange, San Diego, Inland Empire, and the High Desert will get the activity on Thursday into Friday, with the Low Desert areas like Imperial to the Colorado River Valley seeing it mostly on Friday as the back end of the system move in.

Basically, everyone is going to see heavy rain with this system due to the track it will take, even the low desert zones.

Wind is not terribly strong with this as it is a cutoff system and most of the jet stream activity is south into Mexico.

But the category of four is due to the risk of flooding along with thunderstorm dynamics.

Flood Watches will be issued according to plan, but we are still 2-3 days away from the main event.  Any Thunderstorm Watches will be issued the morning or night of an event scheduled for 12-18 hours away.

Stay tuned to official forecasts here at Southern California Weather Force.

Reference A –

Master General Meteorologist – Raiden Storm

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