How To Adjust Email Alerts To Receive The Correct Ones

In this tutorial you will see how to adjust your zones to meet your needs.  You can adjust them however you wish, even on vacation you can adjust your user control panel settings.

Step 1 – Sign into account on SCWS Main.

Step 2 – Find the menu bar above, click MEMBERS ONLY.

Step 3 – If signed in your should be in the control panel of your account.  Under NOTIFICATION SETTINGS under the welcome introduction, make sure Receive email as:  PLAIN TEXT is selected, which is the third one.

Step 4 – Below that you can see boxes and zones to pick near you.  Find what you want and what is offered … and click those zones.  Remember each zone is different if scattered so you might be getting multiple emails so that you have to deal with and not say “Too many emails!” … You can Delete Your Account if that is a problem.

Step 5 – Once you selected your areas, go to the very bottom and click UPDATE PREFERENCES … Once you do that you are set!

Unsubscribing:  Delete Account Link