Winter Solstice Brings Jet Stream Loose On Time; Storm Pattern Likely To Return To Southland Later Next Week


During Fall 2017 we were stuck in a pattern that brought months of nothing but inside sliders and Santa Ana Winds to the region, with no real storms like what we saw with Major Pacific Storm NIKITA.  As predicted here at Southern California Weather Force, the winter solstice has released the jet stream lock.  What does it mean for us?  Read on …

Back in the Fall I released an article that stated we were locked in a dry pattern and it wouldn’t budge until the solstice hit.  This theory revolves around my theory that patterns repeat themselves during the Fall as the sun no longer heats up the atmosphere in the upper jet stream level due to the Earth’s tilt, making the poles and Alaska dark.  This method is the Martin UJEAS (Upper Jet Extended Analog System) method.

As the winter solstice came around we starting to get Alaska’s atmosphere more sun and thus now as it continues the jet stream is starting to shift again, becoming unstuck from the locked position.  This is because wind is caused by temperature changes.  Sometimes we get lucky and get it locked in a position that gives us storms through the Fall and get unlocked and still gives us storms.  Sometimes we get it locked for storms in the Fall and no storms in the winter/spring … It all matters how it becomes unlocked, but the most rare is locked from Fall to Winter only to become unlocked and remain giving us dry shots.  That is extremely rare and right now we seem to be running a 2005-2006 storm season as earlier projected and if correct, storms later Feb into March should be our coldest ones of the season.

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Now, because if has become unstuck I predicted mid-end season storm systems, with each month them getting colder.  So in reality we will be seeing the next California pattern starting January 18th and continuing storm pattern risks through the 23rd-26th and then through the end of the month.  The Martin UJEAS pattern is now gone and winter/spring patterns will start to take over.

Indications are Feb-March will be the wettest periods this season…

So that is the next target.  Those of you new to Southern California Weather Force because of Major Pacific Storm NIKITA can freely check out the member section through Saturday on the ARCHIVED maps and snow elevation forecasts etc that members always get.  Consider it an ‘after storm peek’ … Link is below this … And welcome to Southern California’s Weather Force …


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