Earthquake Watch Remains In Effect Through May 6th, Elevated Activity As Region Shows Breathing Effect After Peak


The Earthquake Watch that was supposed to close on April 24th was reissued over on another page, but this is a formal article stating the Earthquake Watch remains in effect with many smaller shakers across the watch area detected, including four 4.0 quakes and a near 4.0 with many 3.0s.  Goes to show you that warm weather does not cause it and you can learn more about this watch as well as an opportunity to join a lifetime membership option at SCWF on a one time offer by reading on …

Back on April 14th, I did issue an Earthquake Watch. The Earthquake Watch was immediately followed by two 4.0+ Earthquakes on the morning of the 15th, one in the Geysers area of Northern California at 4.1 and one in West Bishop at 4.0. This verified the Earthquake Watch, however, since we remained on the up with the ‘trend line’ still in the caution zone the Earthquake Watch remained for more 4.0+ Earthquakes in other parts of the study area, which again is all of California and Nevada to Baja, California.  A 4.5 did hit on April 20th, 2019 in Northern Baja, Mexico which further showed the reason for this unsettled fault system reading.  Were we done yet?  Not at all.

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On April 26th I updated on an unusually high peak in pressure on the 24th.  That update showed we had yet another huge spike in pressure within the regional section. I’ve seen Earthquake Watch windows remain open for quite some time and also seen it closed for months on end. This recent up-stick in pressure would continue the watch and remained for swarms of 3.0s and/or 4.0 or larger quakes in the watch areas, which is California and Nevada to Northern Baja, Mexico.  This was followed by a number of 3.0s, and four 4.0 quakes, two of those in Nevada and two in Northern California.  Bishop had a near 4.0 quake today, the 29th.  A 3.0 jingled offshore Oceanside this afternoon.

The ‘breathing effect’ is being seen as another precursor to unsettled fault systems.  The breathing effect is a high spike in pressure followed by low value and then another peak, followed by a low value.  The trend-line may be ‘downward’ however this ‘breathing effect’ is showing the system being ‘alive’ over the course of several days after the peak has been seen in the pressure.  The California Fault Stress Model can be found on Facebook.  To follow the project I have for Fault Stress, Click here at the California Fault Stress Model

The value was low today with the trend-line further down.  Already I am seeing a preliminary reading of another peak developing for tomorrow’s update at the California Fault Stress Model Facebook Page.

Earthquake Weather:  I was an avid believer in such many many years ago but as I further studied the planet I noticed quakes happening with cold/warm/stormy/snowy/windy, you name it.  The misconception of California having Earthquake Weather, being warm, is because this is our usual weather many are used to.  The current activity has happened with cooler temperatures in the region and thus Earthquake Weather is not real.  Other areas like Alaska do not need warm weather for their quakes so EQ weather is nonsense and only because one is use to ‘their type of weather’ when it normally happens.

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