El Nino Pattern Now Official: Pacific Storm Names Released; Storms Will Increase


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The coming systems will start to veer from ex tropical systems to Pacific Storms with tropical moisture influence, otherwise known from the cause … El Nino.  Our Pacific Storm names have been released and the category system has also been released for you to follow along.

El Nino is a Super El Nino and so far the storms hitting us has been a direct influence from it.  This will continue to escalate through this month and the season to come.  We are officially now in El Nino 2015 to 2016 Storm Season.  The next storm may be our first named Pacific Storm of the season if trends continue, hitting between Tuesday and Thursday of this next week.

Since 1999 I’ve been naming Pacific Storms into the region to keep track of them and have a bit of fun since we don’t normally see much about Southern California in weather elsewhere.  This naming system is returning for the 2015-2016 Storm Season with real names, last names, and geographical location names … Pelosi will be a monster I think!  We’ll dread this storm name won’t we?

Because this a Super El Nino people should be aware this is Tornado Season in Southern California.  Long ago in 1983, a tornado hit Downtown Los Angeles near the convention center.  This tornado today in the basin would harm lives and property, not only injuring … but possibly taking lives.  Tornadoes are common in Super El Ninos.  I am predicting near 40 tornadoes in Southern California this next season … No one looks for them so we’ll run the tornado forecasting very spot on so you do report them.  Many go without reports.


In addition the names we have a category system that goes from 1-6.  The algorithm I’ve developed for such systems is below.

The Pacific Storm Category System works with the storm name to give it personality and easily track and archive all rain/storm events that hits our forecast area.  This is not like the Hurricane Scale, however takes the highest impacting storms Southern California has ever seen and gives that a category six, a rare event.  To get a category six you need frontal zone winds along tornadic severe storm lines at 70 mph with a pineapple express connection.  These events are rare but have happened in the past.

To get the category number for a storm we developed values for wind, rain, and thunderstorm/severe mode type.  All three combined for a certain location divided by three would be the forecast category number.

Pacific Storm Category System (Add together and divide by 3)  (Anything Adding up To Category One is a Pacific Depression)

Wind Gusts
1 – 20 mph
2 – 30 mph
3 – 40 mph
4 – 50 mph
5 – 60 mph
6 – 70 mph +

1 – Hit and Miss Showers
2 – Light Front
3 – Moderate Front
4 – Heavy Front
5 – Extreme Front
6 – Pineapple Express

1 – Isolated
2 – Scattered
3 – Numerous
4 – Isolated Severe
5 – Numerous Severe
6 – Tornadic

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