Blowing Dust Advisory

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Blowing Dust Advisory


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Issued Zones:  Imperial County …

Site: has issued a Blowing Dust Advisory effective now …

Date:  9/22/15 at 4:30pm PT

Forecast: A storm complex in extreme Southwest Arizona has collapsed and the outflow from it is crossing into Imperial County right now.  The entire county from Winterhaven to Brawley has been put into our Blowing Dust Advisory for a dust storm heading that way.  Visibility will be decreased within the dust storm so be advised … 

10 mile rule:  These alerts issued on this site means that within your zone and 10 miles from you will see the event forecast for.  You may or may not see the event but it means you are in the zone or 10 miles from where someone will.

Forecaster: KM

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