Heatwave; Then Pacific Storm Andreas May Hit The Martin Storm Diamond



A heatwave is coming to the metro areas and Pacific Storm Andreas, now in Southeast Arizona, may round a ridge of high pressure and come back at us from the southwest, possibly hitting the Martin Storm Diamond.  Read on and watch the vidro for further details.

A ridge of high pressure forming in the area will bring a light offshore flow pattern to Southern California by Friday into the weekend.  The SCWF Heat Advisory is in full effect right now and was issued not too long ago.  The advisory states the the metro zones of the forecast area could see Upper 90s to 105F degree temperatures during the advisory period.

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This same ridge of high pressure is acting on Pacific Storm Andreas, now centered of Southeastern Arizona and moving south across the border into Northwest Mexico by tomorrow.  This ridge over us may grab Andreas and drag him westward across Baja, Mexico.  If this is correct, the center of the low would sweep activity as early as October 12th across our forecast region.   The storm would still be situated Southwest of us and our model grids for upper level low centers have the ensembles placing the center of the low in a tight grouped spot to the southwest of Southern California so confidence is high this pattern may indeed unfold between October 12th and the 15th.

The location Southwest of Southern California is known as the Martin Storm Diamond.  The Martin Storm Diamond is a diamond-shaped area southwest of our region in-which if an upper level low travels into … puts us into the area of maximum thunderstorm potential with the strongest upper divergence seen out of any storm systems.  Since the storm has an intact area of rotation in the mid-levels when crossing our region and rounding us to come back … It will remain Pacific Storm Andreas and the category has yet to be determined.

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