Thunderstorm Watch


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Issued Zones:  Kern, Barstow, Victor, Lucerne Deserts … Eastern Ventura County Valley … Los Angeles Coast/Valley/Basin … Orange County … The Inland Empire … San Diego Offshore, Coast, Valley, and Foothills …

Site: has issued a Thunderstorm Watch effective now through some of tonight …

Date:  11/3/15 at 8:05am PT

Forecast: A secondary impulse rotating around the upper low that is ejecting into the Utah area will reinforce the deep-layer moisture fields across the regions listed above. 

Stronger upper level divergence will work with some instability today to produce thunderstorms across the region.   Thunderstorms will be more numerous across the offshore and Western San Diego County regions where it will be almost impossible to escape having one.

Dynamics will be strong in the Inland Empire as well … a number will report them.

However in the Eastern VT and LA/OC County area it’ll be hit and miss.  I do believe a thunderstorm will form and move southeast through these areas and if it does it will be within you or 10 miles of you … can’t really say where in these regions due to the convective nature of the system …

These storms may produce funnel clouds and even waterspouts, especially just offshore San Diego County so if you are planning on going out there, change your plans or be careful …

Flooding will also be an issue for the hardest hit cells …

10 mile rule:  These alerts issued on this site means that within your zone and 10 miles from you will see the event forecast for.  You may or may not see the event but it means you are in the zone or 10 miles from where someone will.

Forecaster: KM

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