Dangerous Heatwave: Inland Heatwave Strikes Through Weekend




A strong ridge of high pressure has formed AS EXPECTED since the beginning of the month, making this yet another successful sole long range forecast.  In early July I said colder than average and then after the 18-20th it would be hotter with the return of heatwaves and here we are.  Here are the expected SELECT CITY values based off our model for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday … in order …

Riverside – 105 – 108 – 110
Downtown LA – 100 – 106 – 105
Fullerton – 97 – 102 – 97
SFV/SCV – 101 – 108 – 107
Irvine – 87 – 94 – 92
Ramona – 99 – 102 – 98
Bakersfield – 104 – 102 – 105
Paso Robles – 98 – 97 – 100
Lancaster – 100 – 102 – 105
Apple Valley – 101 – 104 – 105
29 Palms – 105 – 107 – 109
Indio – 111 – 114 – 112
Brawley – 116 – 120 – 116
Blythe – 114 – 117 – 115
Las Vegas – 108 – 111 – 112

Areas will remain hot in the inland areas .. .but below these high heat warning temperatures come after Sunday.  The ridge maintains through the rest of the month and we will continue to see summer temperatures being above average in these same areas … expect the heat to continue until at least August 5th, where my long range numbers do indicate some ‘cooling’ in the region … but only temporarily …

COAST:  This will NOT affect the coast …

The monsoon ridge positions itself in a better position for a longer duration of southeast and east flow by July 27th for a chance of some deeper moisture trying to work in … extent not known at the time but will watch as this will be a chance for storms to form in the region .. finally .. as previously stated in earlier articles … toward end month is the time for it this year.

July 2016 Long Range Forecast Article Predicting Heatwave – https://www.southerncaliforniaweatherforce.com/2016/07/02/july-2016-temperature-and-precipitation-forecast-for-southern-california/

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