Volcanoes and The Sun: The Cause Of Climate Change; Evidence Provided



Yes in Southern California we’ve been seeing very hot heatwaves as of late and that theory I’ve worked on is a lack of a natural gas within the Earth that is not getting out in a natural disaster event known as a Volcanic Eruption.  The planet and solar powers are to blame … not us … and it never will be us … let’s get that straight right now Al Gore … Read on for details on this research with facts …

By looking at the drops in global average temperatures over thousands of years, one can see there is a pattern with and without humans.  So at the current time I do not believe we are creating the warming we are seeing.  If we were, why is Mars warming as well?  There is likely a solar connection to why the solar system’s inner planets are heating up on average but what can we do to stop it?

The simple answer is we do not as a human surface race have enough chemicals to alter our planet.  We just cannot affect the upper ozone layer part of the atmosphere with anything because of inversion layers and such that traps them at the lower levels.

Now we got that out of the way .. how do we fix it?  We can’t … The only way this will fix is a major Volcanic Eruption.   My research has indicated that the last major volcanic eruptions along the jet stream and bordering the jet stream locations is the key to this.  So2 is Sulfur Dioxide and what this gas does is reflect sunlight back into space.  When these volcanic eruptions happened on a major scale they released a lot of So2 into the atmosphere and because of the power of the updrafts they are able to affect the upper atmosphere directly where we cannot.

The chart within this article shows red vertical lines and these are the last major So2 emission eruptions showing that after they happened .. .for a brief time we had the global temperatures knocked down.

We have NOT HAD A MAJOR VOLCANIC ERUPTION for many years and this is the reason of the very sharp increase in global temperatures we are seeing.   We need another major volcanic eruption at or near jet stream ground level and we can knock that global temperature back down pretty fast.  The Iceland Volcano was only VEI-3 … not even close to the power we need.  VEI is an energy index for volcanoes that measures how much material is ejected into the atmosphere.

Many of you have asked my stance on ‘global warming’ or climate change … And that is my answer.  We have seen sharp declines and rises in the past with or without the industrial age and the culprit is the Sun doing something we don’t quite know yet that is making the inner solar system planets warmer … and the lack of volcanic eruptions to balance it out.  The Sun at this point is winning the battle of balance.

Everything in life has a balance.  The Sun is the reason for our warming … So2 is the ‘cure’ to put a band-aid on it until it rises again.  We are not getting the So2 needed … and that is a problem right now.  For now we can only hope that a major Volcanic Eruption happens soon or the coming years will get warmer and warmer than we are already experiencing worldwide …

The planet and solar powers are to blame … not us … and it never will be us … let’s get that straight right now Al Gore …

The research is copyright Kevin Martin of Southern California Weather Force and this serves as a published article of such.

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