The Results Are In: October 2016 Southern California Monthly Forecast



The September 2016 forecast went very well with equal chances of precipitation and above average temperatures and October 2016 has been given.  The pattern is going into a weird one … one I have NEVER seen before … read on more for those details.

Those of you who thought it would be colder than average have made a mistake .. it’ll be warmer than average … and precipitation will be equal chances (can go dry or wet) …

With the current cold air in the air today it’ll breakdown before the end of the week with the return of Santa Ana Winds in the prone locations .. along with elevated temperatures … It is October 3rd at the time I am writing this to you and that means that temperature averages are going to drop after the 20th … respectively.

BUT … before that happens. .. we are going to have hotter than normal temperatures in the middle part of October … The pattern is setting into a weird one … one I have never seen before.  We have tropical system flows into us in Mid-October and also some Pacific Storm flows.  These will make me … actually … force me to go equal chances with precipitation and say we can go dry or wet either way … It does not mean a dry month … it does not mean a wet month … equal chances …

As for the temperatures … Yes we are heating up again by the end of this week into the weekend with those Santa Ana Winds … but I do believe this October we will be warmer than average all Month …

BUT DONT WORRY!  This season looks good … Just get through most of this month … Can you please hjelp


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