Short Term Forecast


Issued Zones:  Eastern LA Basin … SGV … Inland Empire … Orange County … San Diego County excluding deserts … Riv Mountains …

Site:  Southern California Weather Force has issued a Short Term Forecast …

Date:  2/12/18 at 5:15pm PT

When: Now through Tuesday morning …

Forecast: A system is dropping down into the region and is going to begin bringing back upslope activity this evening into tonight. 

A snow level of 4,500 FT in the Riverside Mountains will bring an inch or so of snowfall above 5,000 FT with a dusting down to the 4,000 FT level (Anza). 

The San Diego Mountains will have a snow level of 5,000 FT with little east push on the eastern side of the system backing out into the Pacific… which will bring only a dusting in peak level with nothing at town level at the moment for you there. 

Elsewhere … upslope activity will bring scattered showers through the flat-lands listed in the zones …

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10 mile rule:  These alerts issued on this site means that within your zone and 10 miles from you will see the event forecast for.  You may or may not see the event but it means you are in the zone or 10 miles from where someone will.

Forecaster: KM

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