Glowing Rainbow Colored Cloud On Monday Evening Was A Navy Submarine Launch of The Trident II (D5) SLBM


Many people noticed a glowing rainbow colored cloud in the western skies on Monday evening which could be seen as far away as Arizona and Las Vegas.  The answer is a Navy Missile Launch, details by reading on.

Such a launch happened a couple years back where Vandenberg Air Force Base denied having launched a rocket and there was a similar colored glow in the sky.  The assumption I’ve been hearing is that it is a Noctilucent cloud, an unexplained phenomenon that happens way up in the mesosphere and in the upper latitudes, not down here in the low to middle latitudes.  Noctilucent clouds mainly happen during the Summer because while it may be hot down at the surface, Summer is when the mesosphere is the coldest of the year.  Interesting isn’t it?

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This kept me thinking that it wasn’t a Noctilucent cloud so I had to continue the search.  My original hypothesis on my Facebook Page was a NAVY submarine missile launch.  Upon searching around I came across a link that stated that they would be having a missile launch from a NAVY submarine well offshore of Southern California, heading west out into the ocean toward Guam on the 26th, which was Monday.  (Link Here)

So in conclusion, my original hypothesis was correct in this was the exhaust in the upper atmosphere with sunlight refracting off the ice particles from a NAVY submarine missile launch.

Now that is out of the way, Vandenberg will be launching a Falcon 9 Rocket from SpaceX at 7:19:49a.m. tomorrow (Thursday the 29th of March) morning.  This launch will occur just after sunrise so we will not see the brilliant colorful exhaust display like previous events.. however those locally may catch a glimpse of the rocket exhaust.

As for the weather … we are certainly drying back out again and temperatures will go into the 80s for the rest of the week for the most part, pushing back into the 70s this next week in the metros.  Really not much to talk about other than inside slider patterns as they come.  Premium members got the April 2018 forecast (Click This Link) not too long ago and the public will have it released shortly… but it looks bleak.


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