Earthquake Watch Issued For The State Of California Through 7 Days; Issued April 25, 2018


Values on my earthquake model have been elevated for awhile now. . A 3.2 magnitude hit near Riverside this morning but that won’t cut it. Mammoth Mountain Volcano is having yet another swarm and the state is becoming unsettled within the fault systems and as such have issued the Earthquake Watch spanning North to South California. Read on for details.

It seems as if when Northridge in 1994 hit it put most of California in an ‘Earthquake Drought’. This drought may be ending as we have been seeing more size-able shakers across the state than usual over the last 6 months, including the 5.3 magnitude offshore Los Angeles and Ventura County not long ago.

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Based off the evidence and pattern across the area, the movement is in direct relation to the San Andreas Fault System. Smaller swarms in Loma Linda, Thousand Palms, Parkfield, and up into San Francisco area signaling an unstable system that is interacting with the Sierra Nevada chain, thus the swarm under the Mammoth Mountain Volcano system.

San Andreas is the main spine of all the fault-zones so if it moves others move, imagine the ‘arms and legs’ (other faults, and fingers and toes (smaller faults). The San Andreas is certainly on the move and the reason behind elevated activity across the state as of late.

This Earthquake Watch is for a larger quake to hit the state in the near-term. A magnitude 3 won’t cut it and it is possible even a 4 won’t either. My Earthquake model shot up to a record high on April 23rd. Most stressed zones is along the San Andreas Fault, San Jacinto Fault, Hayward Fault, and the Lone Pine/Bishop/Mammoth Lakes areas at this time.

An Earthquake Watch is issued when evidence in pattern and my model suggests the state of California is unstable enough for an earthquake of size-able magnitude within the next 7 days.

Last Earthquake Watch Issued Delivered – Click Here To Read That Article


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