California Earthquake Watch Continues Due To Fault Stress Model Unrest; A look at Hawaii’s Hurricane Lane


The California Earthquake Watch I issued for August 10th through the 20th had a magnitude 4.4 in Anza, however recent trends are showing the state is not done yet.  Read on for details.

First and foremost I’ll talk about Hawaii.  Those of you that have been following me have been told that this should miss the islands and glide south and west of them on a weakening trend for many days now.  Sure, panic is spreading across the islands due to the failed forecast track of Hurricane Iniki over 25 years ago that made a direct hit with little warning.  It was also forecast to go west.  But we have better forecast techniques today and from what I see the rapid weakening of the system over the next couple days will make it start turning more westerly.  It is already due south of the Big Island so that island can be counted out of any major impacts other than some showers and storms with elevated surf.  My curve is continuing to miss the islands so I am not worried about anyone out there, unless you are a ship/craft 100 miles southwest of Maui.. or surface the very high waves.

Earthquakes like the 8.2-magnitude in Fiji can ring the planet like a bell and disturb any fault-zones.  However the ones most disturbed would be nearby and as per my ‘forecast’ in the short term in last week’s article (click here) it stated that deep quakes like this means that the crust/mantle boundary has been hit by an updraft of hot rock within the mantle. These up and downdrafts are what is responsible for most of the deep earth activity. A deep quake can transfer to a shallow quake near the area so Indonesia, PNG, to New Zealand should be on high alert for increased activity as a result.  Indonesia has been having strong earthquakes at a shallow level since then so my theory is indeed having merit.  This method I developed in the early 2000s is called the ‘Coreshock Theory’.

Furthermore the Northern South American Venezuelan 7.3-magnitude earthquake was deep enough for the Coreshock Theory to be used, aiming up through most of the USA.  In turn we got the 6.0+ magnitude offshore Oregon quake as a result.

Getting through California now… No doubt the Ring of Fire is ringing like a bell with over 60+ major earthquakes in less than a few days, stemming from the magnitude-8.3 earthquake that hit Fiji.

My earthquake fault-stress model is on a downward trend today, however plugging in ‘predicted’ yesterday showed a weak return today.  Plugging predicted in now shows a strong spike is possible by tomorrow’s official update.  So given the unrest across the Ring of Fire, Project DESTINI, and my California Fault Stress System, the Earthquake Watch will be extended again for the next 10 days, expiring on September 2nd, 2018 for over a 4 or higher magnitude quake in the state.

Prediction success rate is about 95% at the current time, getting an offshore 5 mag and Trabuco Canyon 4.0 at the beginning of this year, and the 4.4 Anza quake in August 2018.

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