Thunderstorm Watch


Issued Zones:  Imperial County (Mainly Central/North) … Eastern Riverside Deserts … 

Site:  Southern California Weather Force has issued a Thunderstorm Watch for today …

Date:  10/3/18 at 7:50am PT

Forecast:  Pacific Storm Ophelia will be moving into the forecast area.  It is placing itself in the Martin Storm Diamond, a sweet spot southwest of the Southern California area.  Thunderstorms are expected as a result. 

For this watch zone, strong lifting later today/evening will promote thunderstorms.  Instability under the early October sky will give way to thunderstorms forming.  These storms will form in the upper divergent section of the storm itself and move off to the north and northeast. 

The best area for development will be Central/Northern Imperial County, northward into the RIV County area along I-10 with the least being near the border.

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10 mile rule:  These alerts issued on this site means that within your zone and 10 miles from you will see the event forecast for.  You may or may not see the event but it means you are in the zone or 10 miles from where someone will.

Forecaster: KM

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