California Storm Pattern: Confidence Continues To Rise For Thanksgiving Holiday Martin Storm Pattern


Heads up burn areas because California’s Martin Storm Pattern will begin this week with rainfall even down into Southern California, the most slamming the Camp Fire burn area with 5″ or more of rainfall for Montecito like damage.  Read on more for details.

Confidence continues in my storm pattern forecast long ago in my long range and it is rising.  Our first front will hit around Thanksgiving, give or take a day or two on each side of Thursday.  We will have a very weak upper pattern by the beginning of this next week, but this doesn’t look like it’ll be significant.  The better rains come toward the Thanksgiving Holiday and after that all the way into the end of this month.

Members have been getting their updated rainfall averages model in this now medium range forecast period.  Additional micro-climate alerts will be released as we near the start of this pattern.  What is the ‘Martin Storm Pattern?’… Named after my last name, the Martin Storm Pattern is called out when a forecast here at Southern California Weather Force is before any other source or computer forecast.  Similar to an astronomer getting their last name on a comet.. I solidify in history mine with storm patterns.  This will be the Martin Storm Pattern of November 2018.

My original November 2018 forecast called for 0.50 to 1.5″ of rainfall and this pattern looks to give between that window.  It will not be a major storm pattern with over 4″ of rainfall.. but for November it’ll do nicely do dampen the area down and mitigate near-future fire patterns.  Some burn areas will see short periods of heavy rainfall bursts.. but this does not look anywhere near the Martin Storm Pattern of March 2018 where Montecito had lost lives and damage.  Still.. if in these burn areas in Southern California continue to monitor my latest forecasts.

If in California’s Chico areas in the Camp Fire burn zones you will need to prepare now for debris and mudflows.  While the storm will eradicate the Camp Fire zone’s fire and hotspots as a gift from the heavens… the flip-side will be the mud and debris flows,… aka lahars…


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