Santa Ana Wind Pattern To Continue Through Saturday; Next Storm Pattern On The Horizon


Santa Ana Winds will continue through at least Saturday as we stay between storm systems.  A return of the storm pattern is expected to start after the 19th of this month.  Read on for details.

As a strong surface low out east carved a large trough along the Western United States, gusty drainage winds were the result.  These winds are expected to be stronger than what we are currently seeing, peaking Friday morning around the morning commute with wind gusts 30-50 mph below the pass and canyon regions. This is a nominal Santa Ana Wind Pattern with no upper support.  If you normally get them then expect them … if you do not then do not expect them.  The wind model I provided on the main page (Click Here And Go To Santa Ana Wind Tab) will allow you to see what intensity scale you are under this event.

The winds will die down later on Saturday into Sunday.  As previously expected, a warm Sunday is expected with no rainfall and a perfect NASCAR final event for the Autoclub 400.  I will see you there.

The next series of storm systems is expected to start after the 19th of this month.  That system does not look as strong as the one behind it, being we have to contend with a deflecting weak ridging pattern to our southeast.  The one around March 25th looks more potent and many of my numbers show this one to be stronger than the one around March 19th-21st.

As always, stay tuned to Southern California Weather Force for further details.  Look at the links below for help, including the ‘Optional’ link if you want to see the addtional maps on the main SCWF page.  Everything is updated accordingly before an event.

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