Ice Storm Warning


Issued States:  TX/OK/KS …

Site:  National Weather Force has issued an Ice Storm Warning effective Thursday into some of Friday …

Date:  1/15/20 at 4:50pm CT

Forecast: A strong system entering the west coast will bring a tropical fetch up from Mexico on your Thursday.  This will over-ride freezing air in place across the Ice Storm Warning area and an ice storm is very likely as a result.  The system will start Thursday morning in the warning area and go through Friday morning, waning after that.  Use the NWF Ice Model below for areas…

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NOTE:  These alerts issued on this site are custom developed and you may or may not see the same elsewhere… but they can be trusted and are trusted by thousands of people for their weather forecasts and it could include tornado, winter, flood, etc watches.  The Southern California site is being used until National Weather system ads can be introduced and then we will switch over to the main site.

Forecaster: KM

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