Inland Heatwave In Progress, Shallow Tropical Moisture This Weekend, And A Cool-Down Next Week Expected With May See-Saw Pattern; Details


It has been a couple of weeks since I wrote and it is with good reason.  I cannot say exactly everything on here but if you click the link below this write-up, it’ll take you to my public figure Facebook Page post with the information on it.  We are having yet another May heatwave with this see-saw pattern going from cool to hot and hot to cool.  This pattern will be the dominant pattern this month with a number of heat events so read on for details …
Click the following link to read what I have been doing the last two weeks –

With that out of the way, triple digit temperatures are being breached in some inland valley areas with this heatwave.  This will last till Friday and then over the weekend we do have our first ‘taste’ of moisture out of the south as a storm system moving north of the area scoops it up and brings a shallow layer over us.  This could spark those mountain cumulus clouds we usually see during the summer in the monsoonal flow, but again it is shallow.  It will be monitored of course because even the show moisture with the heat of May could pop-up isolated activity, mainly LA County eastward and not any further west than that.

Next week we will have a surge of westerlies move across the country.  This will make our weather return to the May Gray with temperatures being very comfortable, in the 70s for the most part in the metros with 80s in the low desert areas and cooler along the coast.

After this next week, expecting ridging to bring the temperatures up yet again after May 21st and we could see a good prolonged average to above average temperature string till the end of the month.  May will end up drier than average with above average temperatures when all is said and done.

That is pretty much it, not much else to report.  I’ll be watching the shallow tropical moisture layer this weekend, which will affect Arizona far more than here in Southern California.

Looking into the summer months, unlike last year’s forecast for below average temperatures when it was, this summer looks to be shaping up as an average to above average summer in terms of temperatures.  I’ll address this more as the days move along.

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