In just under 300 kilometers up, SpaceX Starlink 28 constellation launched a few days ago is the newest one to fly overhead and a sighting in Montana last night of the same row says one or both of these passes will be visible with one happening tonight (Saturday) and the other at the same time on Sunday night so read on for details and see the maps as this is a must not miss event that I myself was in awe to see a few weeks ago …Unlike the last chances, these satellites will be crossing during the dead of night, when the sunlight will not affect them so this should not be hard to see.
The first viewing will be from 9:15 to 9:20 pm tonight (Saturday)… if in Southern California look northward towards the north star (Polaris on apps). If in Las Vegas, look overhead to the west, very high up. They will look like a row of UFOs moving from left to right in Southern California and right to left in Nevada.
The second viewing will be higher up for Los Angeles and high in the western skies at the exact same time on Sunday night, 24 hours after this passes. It is best to see them this weekend because the orbits will boost. Brightness varies on these as the sunlight can catch flares off them, making them beautiful to look at and very bright for a time.
Good luck …