Powerful Monsoon Surge Inbound; Expected To Hit This Next Week of The 28th of June; Heatwave Joins In For Double Whammy, 2021; Details


A powerful surge of monsoon moisture, likely the strongest in some time, will hit the Desert Southwest starting June 28th and going through the first week of July.  Numerous thunderstorms with flooding as well will be expected near Tuesday 29th, for the mountain and desert areas, with the chance of valley and coastal storms as well as the Elsinore Convergence Zone in the Inland Empire setting off again.  A heatwave hits at the same time, making this the most oppressive humid atmosphere in many years so read on for details because if you are sensitive to heat/humidity, prepare now your plans on where you go or what you do …

A ridge of high pressure that will bring record-setting 110+ temperatures for Oregon and Washington will set up over those states.  You can read that article by clicking here.  As it does so, storms from Canada will round the eastern periphery of the clockwise flow.  This will bring them down into the Rocky Mountain states of Colorado and New Mexico.  As these disturbances round the ridge, they will create what is called an easterly wave.  An inverted trough, or a low-pressure center that moves from east to west, not west to east.  This inverted trough, or easterly wave scenario, is responsible for some of the most dangerous storms during the monsoon season.  Such disturbances will be very likely during the date periods stated above.

An easterly flow between the two systems will bring a surge of deep moisture through the Desert Southwest,  ejecting into Southern California where storms hit all the way to the Southern California coast just recently … and it will happen again in this…  This weather office will be extremely busy with forecasts as we approach this period, which is less than 4-5 days away to start.  This looks like it will be a rather prolonged period of deep moisture, maybe a day or so break, but could last through July 10th.

At the beginning of the season, here at Southern California Weather Force, I stated the season would be a good one for the monsoon (click here), and furthermore stated July looked extremely active (click here) … Well … Welcome to your 2021 Monsoon Season …

HEATWAVE:  In addition to the monsoonal moisture moving in, a heatwave starting Sunday and going through near the end of this next week will be likely for inland areas.  103-110 will be likely inland along with oppressive humidity.  Good ole ‘bake’ rsfield will be hitting 115F during that period.

Here is the SCWF projection for this heatwave from Sunday through Thursday this next week on average high temperatures. – This image below is clickable.

As we get nearer to the event, stay tuned to Southern California Weather Force for the details …

NEW FLAT RATE TIER PROGRAM – GET CUSTOM EMAIL WEATHER ALERTS IN YOUR AREA AND ENTER THE MEMBER SECTION ON THE SITE:  Summer 2021 rates – If you get in after June 1st it is only $10, if after July 1st only $6. If after August 1st only $3 to finish off the Summer Quarterly Tier.  Fall, Winter, and Spring will have their own tiers starting at $20.  Tier start dates to renew at the base price will be September 1st, December 1st, March 1st, and June 1st and each month during the quarter shaves off $7 until the next tier reset.

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