Southern California Weather Force Tests Community with Opening of Alert System and Member Section to The Public


(Southern California Weather Force, Corona, CA) – An idea that has been in the making for quite some time went into effect on May 22nd of this year, 2022.  The idea was to turn Southern California Weather Force from a sole business into a community, giving the people the power to maintain the site in large numbers, not just a handful of paying supporters for the information given, which I will add can easily be lifesaving a lot of the times.  The people who do not understand this service will come to see it now as a community where everyone supports one another to make it happen and an area to get the most accurate weather information the region has ever seen, including the alert system for your zone areas and member section so read on for details on how to grab your community membership today …

The fundraiser did make enough for me to open the e-mail alert system and member section for every single one of you reading this for the Summer as a test of community to see what can happen in the coming seasons as more join the community member section so read on for details and get your memberships and set your zones up today in the link below and within …

Sign-up for your free community paid for memberships for this season by going to this link – follow the terms of service directions as well –

A personal note:  I’d like to say thank you to all that chipped into the fundraiser at this link  –
This was a task to see if the community would help one another out in making it possible for this to be free for everyone.  If you are a current paying supporter whether seasonal or monthly, you will have additional information sent to your e-mail on addons and options.  Once again, thank you, and you should all thank each other for working together to open this up for everyone.  You all did it together and I hope to see more of that in the future to come should the community membership remain and you become accustomed to how the system works, including the alert system and GPS models when activated.  The more you rely on these, the more I hope you become part of the community with the rest.

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