Blogging on Southern California Weather can be fun, rewarding, and also profitable if you read the packet given to you on how to make the most of it. This packet will tell you how to create a Facebook Page for your blog.
Where Your Story Will Be
Your story will get views depending how you promote it. Southern California Weather will feature some posts in the main blog section and on the main website homepage and articles on the right-hand side columns. This should help you out. If stories are good, they’ll be linked to from main SCWC stories to further your views. This is not guaranteed and will be picked if stories match what we are writing about. Your best ever chance to get a lot of views and linked views from us is to write about the current storm system or weather event. We will feature those since it is current!
Your pay is per views and they are monitored for accuracy to make sure no one is cheating. Your stats can be seen in your user profile on our website. You are getting $1 per 1000 views to start. There will be room for top contributors to make more in the future. What you make is up to you. If you have a lot of shares, get featured often, get in SCWC stories, and continue to write quality blog/article posts during current events … You could make a good amount. All articles have share options for others to share them and that is how you also get more views. My articles for SCWC make around the same and that isn’t a lot but it can add up with a large audience. Internet Marketing can be rewarding … but it is tough for most.
In addition to your pay for 1000 views, SCWC will host paid assignment spots at times where we pay $20, $30, or up to $50+ for an article or assignment completed. This is paid that day. Assignments will show up in the blog section and is a first come first served basis. Once the assignment is posted, you have 24 hours to be the first to see it and take it. You have to complete it by the time posted to get paid.
Inquire below to receive your packet within 24 hours along with your login!