DETAILS: Pacific Storm Fiona Moving Out; Major Pacific Storm GAVIN comes in Christmas Night through Thursday; Low Elevation Snow


Well here we are.  On the article back on November 29th I said another cold system will hit before the month of December was to be over and such a system will be coming in Christmas Night, mainly Thursday.  This is officially a mountain pass affecting system, including snow in the High Desert again along with rain elsewhere so read on for official details …

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Christmas Weekend to Christmas I am very very busy with friends and family. There was ZERO need to update a thing for this rain we are having. I said in the last article back on the 16th (Click Here) and I quote.., “However, by later Sunday we will see the start of what will be a very active storm pattern in Southern California that will last from the 22nd of December and could very well last with rain in the forecast for over a week through to New Years Day. This is a very prolonged period of rain chances. Since we are talking about the Christmas period, the focus will be on there. I do not see anything to stop storm chances on Christmas Eve through Christmas Day. It is a very active pattern and numbers this far out are very wild. One of these systems will have arctic air entrained into it and we will be looking at mountain pass closing snow-levels and amounts for the Gorman/Tehachapi/Cajon Pass areas.”

You had your heads up for Sunday so no complaining …

As for Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day.  Fully expecting a Pacific Northwest type of feel where off and on showers will be the real story and there wouldn’t be a solid front to predict off of.

Winter Storm Warnings will be needed for the High Desert and all mountain/pass locations, including the San Diego County Mountains by at least tomorrow for Christmas LATE night and mostly on Thursday but this is your heads up.  SCWF grids from Thanksgiving’s storm system were updated to give a low elevation snowfall model and it is going to be used for this system.  This is Major Pacific Storm Gavin and I’m assigning it a category four out of six so it is a strong system.  The system will also need coast/valley/basin flood watches as it will have more rain in flood prone zones than today’s system.

Micro-climate alerts will be issued by Tuesday afternoon and those will have a lot more details… then an article about them releasing tomorrow, early evening.

There are indications of a shutdown in early January with storms missing to the northeast once again like what is happening now with the Santa Ana Conditions. 9-13″ of rain is still in my forecast for Los Angeles for the season ending May so while we do have these storm patterns, they will be far in-between and not as frequent.  January is also looking very cold at times, colder than this month thus far.

So to recap:

  1.  Heavy rain for the metros.
  2. High Desert Snow Again Like Thanksgiving.
  3. Mountain Pass Closing System.
  4. Imperial Valley Heavy Rainfall.
  5. Happening late Christmas night but mostly the 26th (Thursday).
  6. Lead-time of forecast (1 month, another record for long range.

As always, stay tuned to official forecasts from Southern California Weather Force for updates …

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End Article


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