Back To Back Santa Ana Wind Events: Special Weather Statement Issued A Week Ahead Of The Next Santa Ana Wind Event For Early December; Details


Confidence is high that the pattern will stick to call a Special Weather Statement for another Santa Ana Wind Event around December 2nd, a week from this update.  Read on for details …

Our moderate to strong Santa Ana Wind Event is still on track.  Click here for the official final article on that.  The countdown timers are running for your viewing and planning circumstances.  You can Click Here to view them and see when the winds will arrive in certain areas of the SCWF forecast area.  I’ll go ahead and put the Cajon Pass countdown clock in this post but go back to click the previous link for the rest of the region.

Cajon Pass

-1542Days -20Hours -44Minutes -32Seconds

A Freeze Watch is in effect here at Southern California Weather Force for the High Desert areas Thursday night through Saturday with the cold/dry air settling into the region.  REMEMBER:  You can view all the alerts issued at any time by going to SCWF main website homepage by Clicking Here

We will have a break after Friday night.  The storm track is still from northwest to southeast, north of the Southern California region.  This will afford another storm system following the same one that will cause the Thanksgiving 2020 Santa Ana Wind Event.  They will be nearly identical so I’m thinking another event around December 2nd.  This is a Special Weather Statement, issued when conditions are favorable in the 7 day period for a weather event focus.  It will give you a heads up on what to expect.   I will say that the system on December 2nd will impact I-40 in the AZ/NM areas, so if you are traveling east or coming back … I would take Interstate 10 so you are safer.

Official updates to the December 2nd event will be given with a Santa Ana Wind Watch no later than Saturday November 28th, 2020.

As for the rest of the season. It may seem dry… and it is… but the pattern still is favorable for systems to drop down and turn the season around, similar to a 90s pattern, 91-92, 95-96 season where we had a false start that led up to surprise attacks from mother nature in storm form.  Remember, it’ll only take one major system to push the flood limits in the Bobcat and El Dorado burn areas.

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