Santa Ana Wind Watch Issued; Preliminary December 2020 Weather Pattern Outlook; Sunspot Capable Of Strong Solar Flares Crossing Sun’s Disk


Southern California Weather Force has issued a Santa Ana Wind Watch following the recent event, issued for surrounding December 2nd +/- a day on each side.  Get a look at your preliminary December 2020 weather outlook.  Also, the early issued article about a large sunspot about to cross the face of the Sun has grown larger and now capable of stronger solar flares that could be directed at Earth so read on for all those details …

WEATHER – The weather pattern is starting to shift into an odd one.  A large upper level low in the Eastern United States will create a large ridge in the Western United States.  Where the ridge develops is the odd one here.  A strong ridge developing over the Pacific Northwest in a La Nina is not normal at all.  The Pacific Northwest should be having a screaming jet stream the entire season as we move into December.  This is not the case, the entire Pacific Northwest will have a dry period in the early part of December, going for days on end without rainfall.  A ridge in this placement would surge storms into the Rocky Mountains and out into the rest of the country.  Such cold air with them would create a ‘drainage wind’ event.  This is cold air rushing off the higher terrain and to the coasts.

This is a classic drainage wind pattern during the beginning of December, which will make it a long duration Santa Ana Wind Event for multiple days below passes and canyons.  An east flow also favors San Diego County’s Mountain/Foothill areas and sometimes Escondido as well.  Thus, a Santa Ana Wind Watch is officially in effect here at Southern California Weather Force from December 1st to December 4-5th – And advisories/warnings will narrow it down as we get closer.   Edison power shut-offs are likely during this time so you will once again receive the notices.  But.. because you follow Southern California Weather Force, you know way ahead of time.

DECEMBER 2020 PRELIMINARY FORECAST – As stated above, the beginning of the month will certainly have a Santa Ana Wind Pattern in long-duration form, but as we move into the middle part of the month we start to see the teleconnections come together.  That ridge in early December cannot go eastward, so it will eventually shift back westward.  As it does so, this will bring an upper-level low over the Gulf of Alaska and send systems into the Western United States, including down here in Southern California.  There are higher indications that Christmas will be colder than normal so if anything in 2020 to make anyone happy it is that it would feel like Christmas.

This is atypical of a La Nina.  I still firmly have to keep my forecast of La Nina not acting as such as we move through early 2021 and that storm surprises will await the unsuspected.  All others want to keep the season dry, but SCWF is the only source keeping it not acting as a La Nina so all eyes will be on the future.  The final forecast for December will be out in several days.

SUNSPOT AND SOLAR FLARE UPDATE – Sunspot AR2786 has a ‘beta-gamma’ magnetic field that holds energy for M-class solar flares.  This is the sunspot I talked about in the PREVIOUS ARTICLE and it is crossing the sun’s disk right now.  It is in the right latitude to bring Earth-directed solar flares, which would highly disrupt the GPS and communications systems, including your satellite/cable providers.  I’ll let you know if anything is coming this way.  Flares come this believe it or not make communications with HAM radios better as you can reach a further distance due to the ionization of the atmosphere from such flare sessions.

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