Pacific Storm COVID: Category Three At The Center Hits Monday night, Mainly Tuesday Across Southern California; Details


The next name on the viewer participation storm naming list after Biden is “C”, or COVID.  Let’s get that out of the way and get it named.  It officially has been assigned a category three here at Southern California Weather Force due to the combined wind/rain/snow factor in the Low Desert and Big Bear areas along with the damaging winds expected in our metros. Bakersfield, you are in the ‘shaft-zone’ or so I like to call it.  The shaft-zone means that you get absolutely nothing on this event for Pacific Storm COVID.  You get neither rain nor high winds.  It literally will be a boring period for you while many others suck the fun out of it.     so read on for details …

The storm system is on track to the video I did yesterday (click here) and the article I did before that (click here).  The system will drop out of the north on Monday evening, dragging a backdoor cold front with it.  These backdoor fronts generally signal the coming winds.  We should start to see the effects of that on Monday evening in the mountain/pass areas, maximizing by Tuesday morning everywhere else.  Wind gusts will range from 70 to even 100 mph in some favored pass and canyon regions, including below in spots below the Cajon Pass and SFV/SCV and Eastern Ventura County.

The system will drop south of San Diego later on Tuesday.  As this happens, east winds into it will open up the San Diego County Mountain zones.  Damaging winds will be likely there and these will jet west into Escondido as well as the entire San Diego Coast.  A very rare event where even San Diego’s Downtown areas will see the strong wind gusts from an east wind event as the surface low acts similar to a tropical storm south of the area.

Damaging winds on Tuesday will also hit the Kern County Mountains as well as strong winds far west as the San Luis Obispo and Vandenberg AFB areas.

As for precipitation.  I firmly am sticking to my guns on wrap-around affecting Big Bear the most.  Usually, those of you in the eastern part of the lake get less than say Arrowhead or RUnning Springs.  However, yesterday I issued the Winter Weather Watch alert over the micro-climate e-mail alert system.  These alerts go out instantly and before these posts happen on social media.  If you want to be a site supporting member for this package, including the member section – Click here to learn more – It’s a must-have service so you miss nothing.  Wrap-around moisture from the center of the storm will bring snowfall to Big Bear on Tuesday.  It easily looks like plowable snow.  If you are heading up there, bring chains because you will get stuck.  The best route to travel with a pattern like this is not the 38.  Go through the 18 on the Rim to avoid the heaviest snowfall… that is until you reach the city of Big Bear Lake.

The system will also bring heavy rainfall to the rare areas of the low deserts.  I’ve issued a Flood Watch for those areas on your Tuesday.  Showers and sometimes thunderstorms will equal to heavy rainfall capability of flooding as 1-2″ of rainfall will fall in a short period of time there.

As stated before, this is not a rain event for Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino, Orange County, The Inland Empire, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, or Kern.  Your dynamics will come in the last 10 days of the month as the January 2021 forecast stated (Click here)

ZOOM-IN MODELS – Will not be available for this article.  This is a general first-outlook article and you’re welcome to comment on the main FB or MeWe pages to ask questions.

MAIN WEBSITE:  Don’t forget.  If you hear rain or anything is coming to the area.  BOOKMARK THE MAIN WEBSITE BY CLICKING HERE.  The stream has the latest alert links, map of alerts and where, and articles.  That is 100% free to view.

PREMIUM SITE MEMBERS:  Check the member section by Clicking Here at any time for updated products.  You also have the message board.  Products for rain/snow/wind etc will be updated by Monday for this event.  See you there.

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