Tropical Storm ROSA Forms In The Eastern Pacific; Hurricane By Wednesday and Heading To The Southwest USA


Step two has been completed in a typical Southern California Weather Force forecast.  Step one is predicting the event and possible outcomes.  Step two is today, seeing it form.  Tropical Storm ROSA has formed in the Eastern Pacific and moving northwestward.  Step three will be the Hurricane development by Wednesday.  Read on for the details and other steps.

As stated yesterday (Click Here), ROSA would be the future Hurricane that would make impacts in the Southwestern United States during the beginning of October.  Had a lot of shares on it, which is needed to spread my word out so you are doing a great job keeping my site active.  Within those shares came doubters.. which is common with my work.  I am always the only one in the longer range that predicts an event and I CREATE THE NEWS .. you will not see it elsewhere until they look at my site and copy it without credit so here you go.

With any-case, ROSA has formed and will set sights on the Southwestern USA by the beginning of October.  Water temps are warm enough down there to support a rapidly strengthening Hurricane, likely a bomb-type system this week, obtaining hurricane status by tomorrow (Wednesday).

Ongoing Ad Until End Month – The Southern California Weather Force has a member section with rain, wind, thunder, tornado etc models that are personally updated by me with each Santa Ana Wind or storm event.  You also can get e-mailed alerts via a slew of micro-climates.  Usually $50 a year the price has nearly been cut IN HALF as the discount that will go through till the end of September 2019.  This is a yearly discount that I do so if you are a monthly contributor of $5 or $6.50 then I would upgrade to this and do it yearly each fall and you’ll save more. 
Deal ends at the end of this month (September) so Click Here To Join or Upgrade Via The Member Section
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My long range number track on average is showing the main impacts continuing to be for between San Diego/Riverside and Phoenix Arizona, with the center along the Colorado River Valley, including Imperial Valley.  Such a fast moving system would weaken from hurricane status by the time it reaches the area between the 1st and 2nd of October, however the strong surface dynamics will keep it intact as a closed low through the area.

It is entirely possible for this system to make it across Baja, Mexico into CA/AZ as a true tropical storm due to the speed it will be sucked northward from an incoming shortwave trough out of the Pacific.  This shortwave will interact with the system and produce upper level dynamics for the risk of shower/thunderstorm activity about anywhere in the forecast area, including San Luis Obispo County.

Yes there will be rough seas with the southerly flow starting later Saturday in Baja, Sunday onward for the rest of the beaches in SoCal.. 8-10 Foot waves are likely with this southerly swell.

The heatwave is still on-tap and will last a few days for inland Southern California, with temperatures between 95-102F and SCWF Heat Advisories are in place, including fire risk wording.

As far as Earthquakes are concerned we are seeing my fault-stress model becoming more elevated into the red so a cluster of 3s or a 4 is possible at anytime in the area, which could be considered another earthquake watch so be on alert.

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